Monday, March 30, 2009
The Cutest Bug On The Block
Just when you think your bugster can't get any cuter, you uncover a long-forgotten gem:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, QUINSTERELLA!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I speak for Daddy and Big Brutha Squid when I say that you have made my life and my world brighter than I ever thought possible.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Highway to the Danger Zone...and tax-free commissary!
If you live in my ward, you'll know why I got a modest kick out of finding this island of familiarity in a sea of firehouse patches.
Label on a crate that could have easily once housed Madagascar's Gloria. (Equal parts freakin' sweet and perplexing. Do I want to see this on something involving my very own, personal military?!?)
Eh. HTML shoulder shrug. At least it breaks up the monotony of the often-karaoke-ed, never duplicated "Top Gun" song blaring through my head. I can thank the Foo Fighters for that.
..."Now you won't find me; I'm goin' MIA..."
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Look What I Made!
What my family was subjected to for the "better" (see also torturous and disheveled) part of February...
...and, voila! The end result!
From about 20' away, it actually doesn't hurt to look at!
When my son asked when I'm making his blanket, I told him maybe for his graduation. From law school. :0)
Monday, March 16, 2009
The trick to great kid smiles? Give them a toy to hide behind their back.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Eight Years Ago Today...
- Lived in a smoke-filled, 413 sq. ft. apartment,
- Watched the towers fall,
- Bought a dirty little crabshack house in the ghetto,
- Surprised ourselves with the most edible little boy on the planet,
- Rescued the world's most dog-esque cat,
- Been robbed,
- Left jobs,
- Acquired new jobs,
- Started school,
- Finished school (well, Jason at least -- you lucky punk),
- Sold our ShootersWorld crabshack,
- Bought a beautiful, brand new house,
- Taken on callings we never thought ourselves capable,
- Become stay-at-home/working/student mom (okay, me specifically),
- Lost a baby,
- Received the world's most radiantly beautiful little girl,
- Made -- and kept -- friends who will last throughout the eternities,
- Bought and sold cars,
- Paid dearly for laser-vision,
- Gained and lost too many pounds to mention,
- Started our own business,
- Said goodbye to the WORLD'S GREATEST DOG,
- Rescued a dog who'll hold is own...and maybe even measure up someday!,
- And learned more lessons than eight years of blogging could possibly relay.
I can say without a moment's hesitation that my husband is the man my father would pick for me (which oughtta make Elder Collister proud ;0). We pass the test with flying colors because he puts me before himself and I put him before myself. I smile knowing that after we're gone, people will say that we left the greatest legacy...true, unabashed, wholehearted love.
Happy Anniversary, Bubba. Here's to many, many more to come.